Under the Dome

36″ x 48″

acrylic on canvas

private collection

I wanted to create a landscape painting suggesting the University of Notre Dame. I started out with a non-figurative setup that reminded me of the reality of ND. I then started to impart my will on those shapes but in every instance I was not happy for one reason or another. I kept changing the story by playing with ideas regarding color and shapes, always feeling that I had not yet found its essence.  


As I kept trying different scenerios. I found myself frustrated because the dome kept dominating the canvas. I needed to find a way for the viewer’s eyes to get off the dome; all of the sudden I (emotionally) took my brush and swirled all the paint together and moved the dome to the top left. At that moment I suddenly realized I had found a well structured landscape suggesting The University of Notre Dame. I now knew I had found the essence of the story.


**NOTE: the images you see below plus many, many more variations are beneath the finished surface of the painting above.



When a painting finds its voice I am always stunned, wishing I had thought of the senecio in the first place..but it never happens that way. It is just like “life”; we have to find our way through the forest, stepping on tree roots and cutting our feet…. and finally finding the path that was there all along; we just didn’t know it. There is always sunshine at the end of our path… We have to believe in ourselves, and trust we will find our way home.  It takes TIME and PATIENCE.